Village Kľačany

Village: Kľačany- something about us

The original name of the village is: Kelesent. The name of the village was for the first time introduced in the year 1256. The scribe in that time wrote down the name of the village as Kelechten which should be pronounced [Kelečten]. According to some authors this name has its root in the word ‘klčovať which means dig out from the ground roots of trees or bushes. Probably this was the association from which originated names of the villages like Kľačany, Kočovany, Klčovo, Klčov, Klúčové.

Latitude: 48 degrees to 48 degrees and 30 minutes
Longitude: 17 degrees and 30 minutes to 18 degrees
Altitude: The average altitude is 244 metres above the sea level. This altitude can be found in the direction of the village Rišňovce
The predominant rock composition: It is mainly sandstone which is located in the direction of the village Pastuchovo.
Precious minerals: there are no precious minerals nor are they mined
Surface: Trnavská downs which spreads from Trnava to district Nitra. Its altitude is 290 metres above the sea level.
Climate: Mild. It changes through the year.  The average temperatures during seasons: spring: 10-20 degrees; summer: 25-32 degrees; autumn: 10-20 degrees; winter: 5- -3 degrees
Waters: There is a brook Andač which rises in a small wood between Hlohovec and Kľačany and flows to the river Nitra. There is no river going through Kľačany as well as no lake, stream or mineral water.
Flora: There are oak forests as well as mixed ones. The most woody is South-West of the village where we can find the forest Dyč which spreads as far as Hlohovec. The timber is used for the production of furniture.
Vegetation: grass, trees, bushes, shrubs and dandelions.
Protected plants: snowdrop and lily of the valley
Fauna: hare, doe, deer, boar and other
Protected animals: partridge
The nearest protected area: Ponitrie since we can find there a lot of protected animals and plants
Predominant land types: black earth and brown earth. They are very fertile.
Predominant land sorts: The most important is earthy land consisting of many dusty particles and clayey land. They are very fertile and are used for growing crops like wheat, corn, etc.
The number of inhabitants: It grows every year. This year the village has 1020 inhabitants from which there are 507 women and 513 men.
Nationalities: Slovak, Romany, Hungarian
Religion: The most frequent is Roman Catolicism. The other is Protestantism. In the village there is Roman Catolic chuch of Saint Martin.
Employment:  Is rather good. The most unemployed are Romanies. The people are employed in shops or companies like Kovex, Slovnaft, Agricultural association Kľačany, carpentry Ján Horňák and carpentry Ďuriš. Some of the inhabitants work in the nearby towns like Hlohovec ( company for the production of wires) and Trnava ( Peugeot, Citroen, Sony).
Industrial production: Slovnaft which employs 1500 employees. It stores petrol and oil.
Agriculture: Specializes mainly in breeding of cattle (cows). It also specializes in growing cereals, wheat, colza and other. From fruit it is grape, apple, apricot, peach and plum.

Water managment: the village is supplied by water by the village duct but some people use their own wells mainly for watering crops.  The village has potable water.
Sewerage: built on the majority of the area
Transportation: SAD , railways SR, . The nearby towns are: Nitra, Trnava, Hlohovec, Piešťany, etc. There is no public transportation.
Services: post office, municipality, schools (kindergarten, elementary school) and school library 
Sport facilities: newly built fitness and football club Kľačany

Cultural institutions: Monument of deceased soldiers and Cultural house where are held various celebrations, discos and meetings. Every 2 years there is a meeting of all the villages with the same name - Kľačany (Kľačany, Čierne Kľačany, Hronské Kľačany, Turčianske Kľačany, Slovenské Kľačany,...).
Important personalities: Karol Urban (founder of chronicle of the village Kľačany), Vendelín Baroš (the chairman and founder of fire brigade), Mayor Jaroslav Banák.